Help us keep Unbridled free for all at risk, disadvantaged and disabled children in our community!
All Unbridled mentorship services are free! This endeavor is made possible through the generous support of community organizations, churches, our founders, our Board of Directors and individuals who, by choosing to partner with Unbridled, financially to ensure that all children with a desire and need for Equine Assisted Services are provided FREE access to these vital services. To date, our average annual cost to support a child in services is approximately $1,000 per year/ per child. Currently we expect an increase of 25 children in 2020. This translates to a need for an additional $25,000 in donations and community partnerships. Your help is greatly appreciated.
YOUR RECURRING $80 DONATION SUPPORTS A CHILD IN SERVICES FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! Consider using the button below to make a one time or recurring donation. Checks may be made payable to Unbridled and mailed to Unbridled, P.O. Box 8271, Eugene, OR 97408. Donations may also be made in person at the ranch located at 34088 Priceboro Dr. Harrisburg, OR 97446.